anti-price gouging laws, shortages, and covid-19: insights from consumer searches in the journal of private enterprise with rik chakraborti link
Drill-bit PArity: the increasing importance of supply-side links in oil and gas markets in The Journal of the Association of environmental and resource economists with Benjamin Gilbert LINK
global emissions from crude oil: the effect of oil deposit heterogeneity In Energy policy with Edward Barbier and Klaas van 't Veld Link
Price elasticity of supply and productivity: An analysis of natural gas wells in wyoming in the energy journal with Charles F. Mason Link
Revisiting the drivers of natural gas prices: a replication study of brown & yücel (energy journal 2008) in the international journal for re-views in empirical economics link
social capital and the voluntary provision of public goods in the Journal of behavioral and experimental economics with Rik Chakraborti, MAtthew Maloney, and Jason Shogren Link
Should all of europe share a currency? a multi-country analysis in the journal of world economic review with kishore kulkarni and juan dempere link